My husband was trying to solve his issues with someone else besides me...
Right,... he has the right to do it... specially if things are not working well.... but this hurts for several reasons:
1. The first....He didn't trust me... and now... I don't trust him either....
2. He thinks and truly hopes for me to be stupid and not realize what he wants....
3. He doesn't have the courage to face me and tell me what's wrong -well he claims to be confussed... OK, he might be, but the confussion is due to something... the split decision between his heart and his mind... between what he wants to do and what he has to do....
4. Because I saw it coming... I saw her... around him... hurt for her broken relationship....and looking for some tenderness....
5. He... as the blue charming prince... wants to save her... wants to help her take the best decition... ,
6. I decided to support him, and what I received...was the complain of being... too controling... too into it.... too invasive...
7. It hurts because he fooled himself.... and was blameing it to me....
8. Because now... I don't feel like being with him like this.....
He has to clear up his mind... but in the process he's hurting me and... I don't need it, I don't decerve being treated like that.... I am a PRINCESS and we are treated right, with love and deference... he really decerves to be by himself... to clear his mind....
I love him...
I don't want to leave him....
I want to work things out.....
Maybe... I don't want to give up so fast....
I want to fight for his love...
Because he is an awsome man
and I can help him become even greater...
I can give him a push, because I have been inspired throughout this relationship....and I know I can do it... just if he lets me to.
I have grown... I have matured...- well not so much because I called his mistress just to let her know what I thought about her and that is not very mature.... but at least I let the anger out of my chest.... sorry for her... good for me!-

This is me....
Not available -yet and hopefully not ever!-
but willing to change.... again... to learn... to grow... to play in the big leagues....
Te amo puntos gato... aunque estes confundido....
Quero hacerlo... pero lo haces tan dificil....
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